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Home Overview BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software
BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software
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BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software截图 BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software截图 BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software截图 BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software截图 BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software截图 BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software截图 BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software截图 BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software截图
BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software
BonesPro is a professional, fast, and optimized technology suitable for organic skinning of characters and objects in Autodesk 3ds Max. It allows you to quickly create high-quality skin meshes through easy to understand bone influence and vertex allocation, impressive real-time skin deformation, and special effects.
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BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software

BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software


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The ultimate tool for skeleton skinning in Autodesk 3ds Max!

BonesPro is an advanced, fast, and optimized technology used for organic skinning of characters and objects in Autodesk 3ds Max.

It allows you to quickly create high-quality skin meshes through easy to understand bone influences and vertex assignments, impressive real-time skin deformations, and special effects.

What is skin and why is it so difficult to master?

Skinning is the process of assigning vertices of a mesh to an animated skeleton structure. The grid should deform and accurately follow the motion of the skeleton, creating realistic motion of organic shapes.

The skinning process is an important component of character creation, requiring artists to interrupt the more creative parts of their work and often spend a lot of time on quite technical and repetitive deformation settings. Especially for artists with lower technical content, skinning tasks may quickly become a lengthy and tedious process, requiring adjustments and deformations to the affected area through bones.

BonesPro is a solution for artists who do not want to spend a lot of time on character skinning and want to achieve high-quality skinning results with minimal effort.

  1. Speed

BonesPro provides quick results through quick allocation settings and convenient adjustment options.

  1. quality

The mesh deforms like elastic skin, avoiding facial clipping and not separating vertices too far apart from each other.

  1. flexibility

The subcutaneous solid deformer can handle the most problematic areas in animated meshes.

  1. Teamwork

API access allows integration into existing pipelines, and Teams can collaborate in scenarios without requiring licenses for everyone.

  1. transcend

BonesPro can be used not only for traditional skinning, but also for many other animation effects.

Subcutaneous deformation device

  1. Skin implants and deformators

For artists, a major issue is the sharp curvature of the skin, such as in the elbow area of the character. The polygons are sandwiched between each other, and the tip of the elbow looks too round, without any obvious bones protruding from the skin.

For these situations, BonesPro provides you with MetaBones and ParaBones. They allow you complete freedom to adjust skin effects, fill grids in specific areas, create skin blockers, and emphasize bone structure beneath the skin. They are fully animatable, allowing artists to create stunning deformations below the grid. The skin will treat these objects as physical objects and cover them like real skin stretching on the elbow or knee.

No need to adjust countless mysterious settings, just use another grid and push it onto the skin. Fill the key areas of the character with fillers to form the correct shape. Parabones even allow you to create interesting special effects: creating a mouse sneaking around under the carpet, pulsating veins, or even parasites moving under the skin.

  1. Yuangu

MetaBones are lightweight spherical objects that can be used for basic mesh deformation. By placing some MetaBones under the skin to simulate real bones pressing on the skin during movement, the elbows, knee bones, and finger joints can be quickly given realistic shapes when bent.

  1. Parabones

ParaBones works similarly to MetaBones, but you can use any mesh you want instead of a simple sphere and stretch the skin on it. This allows you to freely incorporate anything imaginable into your character. Close to the skin's chest cavity or emphasize the shoulder pads under clothing.

Quality and fine-tuning

  1. High quality mesh deformation

BonesPro uses advanced hybrid computing. This avoids unsightly intersecting surfaces, exploding elbows, or trajectories of unspecified finger vertices flying over the scene. The grid stretches like elastic skin, smoothly bending on user-defined subcutaneous implants, and additional options allow for dynamic addition of deformation effects such as chest movements based on character breathing.

  1. Visual aids for enhancing fine-tuning

You can display a visual representation of deformation force in the viewport at any time. You can quickly adjust the visibility of meshes, bones, and any subcutaneous deformer to ensure that you always have the best understanding of the components you are currently using.

  1. Flexible vertex influence

In areas where the basic skeletal influence is not optimal, you can easily fully or partially override this setting to adjust the skinning results. Fine tuning specific areas will not render automatic effects ineffective, and you can return and readjust the total impact of bones on the mesh at any time.

Secondary exercise effects

  1. What is the effect of secondary exercise?

When the skin is rigidly fixed to the skeletal structure, it appears lifeless. BonesPro includes visual oscillation and shaking effects, providing additional realism to your grid by allowing you to simulate breathing, trembling, and body mass movement. Just add the BoneJiggler modifier to any bone in the mesh, and you can use two auxiliary skin motion effects:

  1. inertia

This option allows you to add motion delays to specific bones to invoke a higher quality impression in some animation meshes.

  1. oscillation

This allows you to add motion independent movements to the bones, even when the bones are completely stationary. Add rhythmic movements to the torso to simulate breathing or very fast effects that make the character tremble.

Teamwork and workflow

  1. BonesPro Proxy Plugin

We have created a compatible solution for all artists and studios collaborating with external freelancers or third-party rendering farms. When opening scene files on other computers without all necessary plugins installed, plugins often cause problems. To address this issue, we have created an alternative BonesPro plugin that can be downloaded and used for free as a replacement for the regular version. It allows artists without a BonesPro license to open and manipulate scenes containing BonesPro skin meshes. This allows one artist to use BonesPro to skin a character, while another artist can later open the scene and use the character (such as animation or material editing) without requiring a BonesPro license.

This also optimizes rendering farm management. Machines used only for rendering do not need to bear the burden of license management or complex settings. Simply use the BonesPro agent in the local or network plugin directory to render any animation using BonesPro skins.

  1. Workflow and production line

BonesPro can be integrated into existing workflows and production processes. Modifiers and their data can be accessed through MAXScript or C++. For example, this allows you to export the final weight data of the skin mesh to a real-time game engine.

The integrated converter of the standard skin modifier simplifies pipeline integration in many cases. BoneSPro users do not need to use custom exporters to transfer BonesPro results to other software. BoneSPro users can convert their work into skin modifiers with simple buttons to leverage the existing features of skins, such as using FBX format or exporting directly to game engines that support skins

BonesPro 4 for 3ds Max Bone Skin Plugin Software LOGO

Official website:https://www.bonespro.com/

Download Center:https://bonespro.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manual processing

Operating platform:Windows

Interface language:Supports English interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Official commitment to lifelong use and updates.

Pre purchase trial:Free trial before purchase.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Supports activation and use on one computer

Replacing the computer:Uninstall and deactivate the license on the original computer, activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:Supports 3ds Max 2015-2022

reference material:https://www.bonespro.com/download-order/

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